Monday, November 23, 2009

Mission Call!

I'm called to serve in the Hermosillo Mexico Mission and leave February 24. I have never been more excited and will serve will all my strength. I waited all day to open my call but am glad I waited for my parents. After doing some research I have seen that it will be very hot, and dry but is the most beautiful place. My whole life Mexico was my dream mission and that's the place I have been assigned. I could not be happier with my call and cannot wait till the day I enter the field. 2 years will be dedicated to the Lord and I don't think of it as a sacrifice compared to everything Jesus Christ has done for me alone. 19 Por tanto, id y haced discipulos a todas las naciones bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espiritu Santo; 20 ensenandoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado y he aqui, yo estoy convosotros todos los dias, hasta el fin del mundo. Amen. Mateo 28: 19-20

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such an awesome missionary. I am so glad you waited for us to arrive before you opened your call. I will never forget the moment when your eyes saw the word Mexico and your voice quivered and you got emotional. I know that the Lord has sent you to where you belong for the next two years. I love you bud! So proud of you.
