Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Morgan Jackson is the best dog in the world. I have always been thankful for my family but this thanksgiving the award goes to Morgan. She was my very best friend since the 4th grade. If we were all like Morgan our world would be a little more perfect. Morgan does not judge anything about anyone, if you have a smile and want to laugh, she is there to assist and help. Morgan is the smartest dog. She would walk me to my bus stop, and meet me as the bus doors would open at the end of the day. Morgan has always been a friend and a laugh. Never take a friend for granted, and she has followed that rule. Morgan, thank you...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mission Call!

I'm called to serve in the Hermosillo Mexico Mission and leave February 24. I have never been more excited and will serve will all my strength. I waited all day to open my call but am glad I waited for my parents. After doing some research I have seen that it will be very hot, and dry but is the most beautiful place. My whole life Mexico was my dream mission and that's the place I have been assigned. I could not be happier with my call and cannot wait till the day I enter the field. 2 years will be dedicated to the Lord and I don't think of it as a sacrifice compared to everything Jesus Christ has done for me alone. 19 Por tanto, id y haced discipulos a todas las naciones bautizandolos en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espiritu Santo; 20 ensenandoles que guarden todas las cosas que os he mandado y he aqui, yo estoy convosotros todos los dias, hasta el fin del mundo. Amen. Mateo 28: 19-20